Defenders Dialogue Update

Listeners have probably noticed that is has been over a month since there was a new episode of DEFENDERS DIALOGUE — a popular podcast hosted by Christopher Golden and myself in which we reexamine the comic books we loved as children. That hiatus was not by design.

As the global situation rages on, the monthly economy is getting tougher for many full-time creators. Despite what you might think, Chris and I are not immune to that, and we’ve found ourselves taking on more work and buried in deadlines and obligations. DEFENDERS DIALOGUE is a fun side-project that we do — two friends chatting every week about things that bring us joy — but it is only that, and other obligations must come first. We cannot simultaneously serve our loved ones, our readers, and our listeners

Yesterday, we came to a mutual decision to end the show after episode 152. We both like the symbolism in that number, as the original run of The Defenders ended after issue 152. That means, when we come back from hiatus, we’ll have 12 episodes left. We intend to use those episodes to focus on comic books and characters that we loved, but didn’t get a chance to examine — Spider Woman, X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills, the first appearances of Killraven nd Deathlok, Jack Kirby’s The Eternals, the 1980’s Moon Knight series, Tomb of Dracula, and more.

We would both like to thanks our listeners for their years of support. It has been our distinct pleasure to have you listen in every week while we find an hour of happiness and escape. We hope you will enjoy these final 12 episodes, as well.


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